Orphan General

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There are donations to be used for support projects for orphans and their families in the country and abroad.

Orphan General

In the dictionary, The word orphan means "to be alone". 

Our Great Religion, Islam, commands us to protect the orphan, to protect, to treat them with justice. Caring for orphans, showing compassion, and meeting their needs are some of the greatest steps taken to make goodness dominate the world again. 

The Prophet, peace, and blessings are upon him, said, “Myself and the caretaker of an orphan will be in Paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together. 

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5659 

Almighty Allah is the holder of an orphan. Almighty Allah has chosen to carry out this claim through his servants as a test and directs all believers in this direction. 

Today, there are millions of orphaned children all over the world who have lost their mothers and fathers due to wars, natural disasters, diseases, and various causes. In addition to the lack of financial and moral deficiency due to the loss of their family, these children, who have become vulnerable to all kinds of dangers in the face of various criminal organizations and networks, are vulnerable to dark foes and are waiting for a helping hand to reach out to them.  

Turkiye Diyanet Foundation, which has been marching on the path of goodness for nearly half a century, aims to contribute financially and spiritually to orphans who have to survive their lives alone and cannot afford their own until they are old enough to sustain their own lives, it also aims to support the education process through the orphanage project it has initiated to take care of orphans, meeting their needs and providing hope for their future. 

By supporting this mobilization of goodness, you can contribute to raising generations that will dominate the world. 

We may not be able to provide motherly compassion or maybe we cannot give them tenderness or father love. Nevertheless, with your help we can help them to survive and grow up as good individuals, to prevent the negativity that can cause other children on the ground to become orphans and orphans like themselves. 

The fact that Almighty Allah mentions orphans directly or indirectly in the twenty-one verses of the Quran, and that many hadiths of the Prophet (SAW) in this regard are examples of the importance that Islamic religion attributes to orphans. 

You can donate 25 TL by writing YETİM and sending SMS to 5601 to support our orphans who are entrusted to us by Allah.

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