Project Country/Region: Democratic Congo / North Kivu
Budget: 30800 $
Project Code: DCKTK001
Slogan: Healing for the Eyes; Goodness
Our foundation is actively involved in diverse aspects of life, implementing projects that signify benevolence globally. We aim to bring hope and illuminate the oppressed in difficult situations.
Specifically in Africa, a significant number of people are experiencing vision loss as a result of cataracts, primarily influenced by factors such as hot weather, nutritional challenges, and climatic conditions. 65.2 million people, whose lives have become more challenging within the constraints of impossibilities, are waiting for cataract surgery. The inadequacy of healthcare services and ophthalmologists is pushing patients into a dark helplessness.
By supporting our project of conducting cataract surgeries for 200 people in the North Kivu region of Democratic Congo, aimed at enabling the seeing of visually impaired, you can contribute to bringing healing to the concerns of our brothers and sisters.
The cost of a surgery is 154 $ in the country of Democratic Congo.